Blogs - Heritage Hills Law


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Essita Duncan

Essita Duncan is the principal for Heritage Hills Law, LLC, a boutique estate planning and administration law firm in Prince George’s County, Maryland. She currently serves as Co-Chair of the Section’s Rights of Women Committee and Vice Chair of the Section’s Elder Affairs Committee.

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Are You Planning with the End in Mind?

I don’t mean to be overly spiritual about the matter, but as a Christian who happens to be an estate planning attorney, I understand that, one day, I’ll have to give an account for everything that has been entrusted to me.

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There’s Power in Civic Engagement

As we continue to pray and identify solutions, new policies and legislation to overcome the many injustices in this country, engagement at the local and federal levels and within the private sector is essential. 

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Dying With Debt Sucks

I was hoping for a more elegant title but there is no other way to put it. DYING WITH DEBT SUCKS! It may not suck for the person who is dead because it is no longer their problem.

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