Keeping Our Seniors Top of Mind

Keeping Our Seniors Top of Mind

Many of our seniors are isolated in their homes, long-term care facilities, and nursing homes across the United States, with limited access to the outside world.  It is up to all of us who care what happens to keep their rights and needs top of mind. We must be our seniors’ advocates and support systems more than ever during this time especially if they are living alone or outside of their homes. It is easy for things like basic needs and well-being to fall through the cracks — not intentionally. But many of us are overwhelmed with the demands of COVID-19 and prioritizing more immediate needs like keeping everyone safe…i.e. COVID-Free.

Despite the separation of space between us all, out of sight doesn’t have to mean out of mind or an automatic assumption that no news is good news. There are steps we can all take even remotely to stay connected and keep our seniors safe and actively engaged during this time, including: 

  • Setting a schedule date and time for weekly wellness checks.
  • Making arrangements for basic necessities like food, water and medicine to be dropped off as needed.
  • Serving as a reminder for upcoming doctor appointments, medication refill and monthly bill pay.
  • Routinely speaking with doctors, nursing staff and facility administrators.
  • Identifying appropriate recreational activities and outings.
  • Establishing a voting plan for the upcoming election.

And, don’t forget to review and update all estate planning documents if needed, including, Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, HIPAA Authorization and Medical Directives. It is very important trusted individuals have been given the authority in advance to act without delay in case of an emergency or sudden death.

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