There’s Power in Civic Engagement

There’s Power in Civic Engagement

As we continue to pray and identify solutions, new policies and legislation to overcome the many injustices in this country, engagement at the local and federal levels and within the private sector is essential. Wherever we find ourselves at this pivotal moment in time, we have to become engaged in meaningful ways. Meaningful engagement starts with having a basic understanding of our socio-economic and political systems and building upon that knowledge in order to take strategic action to create change.  

Everybody isn’t called to hold up signs and take to the streets in solidarity but we can all take action within our sphere of influence. We need people committed to equality and justice within the 3 branches of government, the private sector and at the community level working together for change. 

In addition to reminding people of the importance of registering to vote, we have to actively engage people long before Election Day. We have to remind each other that we have an important role to play in selecting the candidates that will eventually appear on the ballots and in articulating our positions on the issues confronting citizens, immigrants and refugees of this great country we call our home, the United States of America.

So where do we go from here? Regardless, if politics is your thing, you should have a working knowledge of how candidates are selected at the local and federal level and how issues of concern to you and your community can be successfully addressed beginning at the community level. Start small, but start today by identifying your neighborhood civic association and move outward to community groups that are keeping you abreast of what is happening. As you become more involve you will be able to identify the area or areas where you would like to focus your efforts and let your light shine in darkness for the betterment of society for all people and not just for some. 

  And don’t forget to vote. There’s Power in Your Vote!

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