The Ultimate Distributor of Family Wealth

The Ultimate Distributor of Family Wealth

I am Woman, the Ultimate Distributor of Family Wealth. Statistically speaking, I will outlive you. This means depending upon how we plan or don’t plan, I will ultimately determine how our family’s wealth is left behind and transferred to generations to come.

So, whether you see me as the leader of our finances, an equal partner in building our family wealth or clueless because you are making all the investment decisions, don’t leave me out. I must be included. I should have knowledge of the interworking of our family finances. I must understand the state of our wealth, the size of our household debt, how our assets are owned, and how investment decisions are being made.

I am an essential part of our family generational wealth plan. It doesn’t matter whether I am a stay-at-home mom, working professional, or CEO. Don’t just set-up a plan that cares for me without including me in the planning process. My opinion matters. I should know the banker, the CPA, the financial advisors, and attorneys who are serving as our “trusted advisors.” I shouldn’t meet them for the first-time graveside. Nor should I learn from the probate attorney that my name isn’t on the deed or there aren’t enough funds for me to remain in our home. This, you see, would be a tragedy.

So, Man, you must learn to trust me with the fruits of our family labor whether I am contributing directly, or indirectly because one day, I may be left behind to manage the whole lot.

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