Are You Planning with the End in Mind?

Are You Planning with the End in Mind?

I don’t mean to be overly spiritual about the matter, but as a Christian who happens to be an estate planning attorney, I understand that, one day, I’ll have to give an account for everything that has been entrusted to me. I’m merely a manager of God’s stuff and accountable for how I have managed His stuff during my journey on this side of heaven. From time to time, I ask myself — how am I doing as a manager? Can God trust me with more? Am I receiving everything God has laid up for me or is it being delayed due to poor management skills? 

Deep stuff…but hopefully I haven’t lost you. Take a moment. Walk around your home. Consider your loved ones and the wealth you have amassed. With the plan you have in place now, or lack thereof, will your loved ones continue being cared for and your wealth continue being managed properly if a sudden, unexpected life event happens? Or, will your family wealth be lost senselessly to creditors, family feuds and unprepared heirs? What about at your death? In short, what does your plan say about you and your personal beliefs?

Yes, I am asking a lot of questions and providing few responses because the answers rests with you, your family and your personal reasons for planning which may be different. The current climate is a present reminder that we have to come to terms with our own mortality and prepare plans. These plans, completed in advance, should reflect our personal beliefs and desires for our loved ones and the wealth that we will one day leave behind. So what are you waiting for? There is no perfect time like the present to develop your estate plan. 

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